This blog by Dr. Scott McLeod is really good. Dr. McLeod states that we shouldn't teach our children to read for the web, scan, RSS, aggregate, or synthesize. We shouldn't teach them to write for fear of them writing on the web. Dr. McLeod says these things are evil. Dr. McLeod then says don't teach your children these things because he will. We shouldn't teach our children that the only way to write is on paper, the only way to read is a book. There are many reasons that children should learn to use the technology at hand. One reason, so they can blog with people all over the world. Classroom blogs are a great idea. Why not teach our children to write, to put their writing skills to work learning about different cultures through blogs? Why not use the internet use the internet to enhance reading skill? Some children just will not read a book but will read things on the internet. My son hates to read a book, he will spend hours reading the history of Pearl Harbor. I am just thankful he is reading.
Dr. Scott McLeod is an Associate Professor in the Educational Administration program for Iowa State University. Dr. McLeod is one of the nation's experts on K-12 school technology leadership issues. He was the co-creator of the video from an earlier edm310 blog assignment "Did You Know".
The iSchool Initiative (Mobile Learning) by Travis Allen
Travis Allen, a 17 year high school student that had a vision for cutting edge classroom usage of the iTouch. Travis is the founder and inventor of the iSchool Initiative. Kern's High School is the first school that has actually implemented the iSchool. I followed this link to find more of his vision for the classroom. Every student, faculty and staff was given an iTouch and shown how to use it.
Travis' idea for the iSchool is a great idea. The apps alone, I was just amazed over. I have an iPhone and was not aware of the educational apps available. I think the idea of going completely green in the classroom would not only be great for the environment, but students would be able to keep up with every assignment, due dates, stay in touch with teachers, all at the touch of the finger. What a great idea, iTouch in the classroom? Could the device be issued like the textbook and returned at the end of the year?
You Can't Be My Teacher!
Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir "Lux Aurumque
Eric Whitacre took 185 voices from around the world and performed a virtual performance. The people singing had never met, but were singing in amazing harmony. The technology that it took to put this choir together with such beautiful sound is just mind blowing to me. The voices were flawless. Technology is amazing. Everyday it is better than the day before. Technology is something that we will learn and increase our knowledge daily. If I don't work with technology daily then I will fall behind. If I fall behind how do I teach to the best of my ability?
Teaching In The 21st Century by Terri Hampton
The beginning of the video states "If we only provide facts, content, formulas, research, dates, theories, stories, and information then our role as teachers is obsolete." That statement is very true, I have to offer my students the best creative learning experience available. As an educator I shouldn't just read what is in the text book but enhance what is in the text book with creative avenues to make it appealing to the students. Step out of the book all together and build a lesson from the technology that is right at out fingertips. Terri Hampton offers a great example by giving homework that the students have to find the answer with any resource available to them. I am very much in favor of the cell phones, and laptops being used as tool. What do you think about turning the fight of cell phones into the use of them into class assignments? Most kids today have internet on their phones. Why not have them twitting about what the class assignment was about? It would be teaching them to use today's technology and cut down on the constant battle of these items in the classroom. Put the students to work on the phones, have them do a search on their phone, tweet, or even blog. I would think you would be the best teacher in the school.
First of all, I would like to sincerely apologize for being late with this post!
ReplyDeleteI really loved what your said about enhancing what is in the text book! The children won't be able to learn anything if they are just reading from a book. They need to create! As teachers, I think that we need to act as an inspiration for our children to WANT to experience their lessons to the fullest! I LOVED You Can't Be My Teacher and the Virtual Choir. They are both great videos that make an example of the things we can do with technology and the importance of keeping up with it!
Interesting. Still a few writing issues. See if you can find them. Especially verb tense problems.
ReplyDeleteHey Melissa,
ReplyDeleteYou have some thoughtful questions. I think that students would be able to buy the iTouchs if they wanted to at the end of the school year. I really like this idea too because it helps the students be more connected to school and make school more like every day life an not something that they hate to do.
I too think it is awesome that so many people from around the world can come together and make a single creation. I really like the way that this was created and I think that this is a great lesson to all teachers that we can be amazed and embrase these things!
Good job Melissa,
Stephen Akins